Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gum Pain Between Molars

Vuvuzela Claim

Lola Ponce, Panam y la Chola, fanas de Luismi.
Lola Ponce, Panama and the Chola, FANAS of Luismi.

Before their show in Velez, the Mexican singer gave a presentation for two thousand VIP guests at Costa Salguero. Susana Giménez , Tete Coustarot , Flavia Palmiero , Lola Ponce, Carolina Baldini , Arturo Puig and Florencio Randazzo were some who took the opportunity to see up close and privacy.

Luis Miguel dinner held last night in Costa Salguero exclusive show to two thousand guests vip.

Among the privileged were Susana Gimenez, Tete Coustarot , Flavia Palmiero , Panama , Garciarena Sabrina, Carolina Baldini , Arturo Puig , Alemann Selva, Lola Ponce , Kike Teruel, Lola Ponce and Simons Barbie .

All of them, and some politicians as Florencio Randazzo and Horacio Rodríguez, enjoyed a fancy menu and some issues of race of Sun.

The gala served as an appetizer for the great concerts that will Luismi Velez Stadium in the next 25, 26 and 27 November.

Source: www.diarioshow.com

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