Almería Rural Tourism 2015 is a marketing plan whose main goal is to promote sustainable development, based on the Rural Tourism in the interior villages of Almeria. This plan is intended to analyze the current situation of rural tourism in our province and propose a series of measures to promote this sector. These measures will develop a marketing plan to publicize and place our people in the outside primarily on the Internet.
The Idea of \u200b\u200bmaking this plan comes from the belief that we need to direct all our efforts so that our children have a future in our people, and that part of the Future, would, no doubt, to put in value of existing resources, such as agriculture and livestock production, food and crafts, lookouts, monuments and streets of our towns, in addition to Our mountains and landscapes, in order to attract Tourism to our people, boosting its economy.
As in any marketing plan, we will develop each of the following phases: Analysis of the current situation in relation to Almeria Farmhouses, Setting Objectives, Setting Strategy, Marketing Plan, Action Plan, Funding Sources and final conclusions.
The scope of this plan , how could it be otherwise, are the municipalities in the province of Almeria and is aimed at private and public and municipal stakeholders in the Rural Tourism .
Regarding the duration of the plan as any plan, Almeria Turismo Rural 2015 needs some time for processing, make it known, implanting and evaluate their effectiveness. We believe that four years is the minimum needed to achieve the objectives of this plan.
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