
Who writes the destination? We are puppets of fate? O control our lives?
Every day we move in our lives, innocently, while the plot is interwoven, while the destination is taking shape ...
We can change it, but later sooner or destiny comes to pick ....
After dispose empty Connor, Stephen looks to get him, but I can not find it. Juan Cruz immediately called to notify Camilo escaped, and interrupts the romantic encounter with Peace ...
As the date draws near, Paz began to organize a "creative intervention" where everyone will dress in red and Little angels green. Hope announced that a party will "start on vacation" in performing a show and they begin a competition between the Man! and TeenAngels. Using
Sol, Juan Cruz, a faint moon and takes her to a hidden room to analyze where there is also Peter unconscious and connected to various monitors.
What must be will be ... suddenly begin to recognize situations matches Images
teaser ... Matt gets a call and learns that his brother is in a penalty. There, the Open Skies militants waiting while a police officer prepares the weapons. We will use the same rifle that triggers Simon in the video ...
In another part of the city, a young couple arriving aboard a traffic to a five star hotel, dressed as Tacho and Melody in the video ... in a convent a novice is changed, leaving the crucifix and dress you saw in the video Tina ... A family is a victim of an assault at home. Toto, the offender, dressed like Thiago in the video ... A young woman tries on a wedding dress, and is the same bearing the Sea in the video. Gradually the target begins to act ...
already fled, Camilo get phone call to prevent the Peace Juan Cruz, but Sun sees the call and prevents communication ....
Finally, thanks to the evidence that has been in recent times, peace is not found to Camilo Camilo, but Juan Cruz ...
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