Once again we were those of unouno and bicivoladores in Laujar to give us a good palizón on this journey with their little bit of ramps, its plains and peas false trails to tricky descents, guided by the marvelous wonder of technology called "GPS MORALES" but honestly I do not think I saw him across the stage, where Instead I think a guy came but it seemed like the German with his Rastafarian cap and white face.
Incidentally, I forgot, THANKS BY sunscreen Mr German.

that you may see, the BICIVOLADORES
HEAD ALWAYS! I was in the backpack of David! Well
began to climb the first 6 km of the stage to Monterrey (Mengu good, I did it just because I arrived a little late but not stopped to repostar.A This is called peer delivery!
But I knew they were my 2 bicivoladores Pillo and David in the front row so I preocupaba.Daba not assume that they would leave me in good stead, unlike others, moral truth?
Well after hours of riding step on the path and follow the cerecillos the wheel tracks left by the mamonasos I precede. Suddenly 2
silhouettes down the runway, John and a colleague down and tell me which way to go to hunt them to the group. Just
Sulayr path, I see a lot of guys lost Cuadrao strong, handsome, attractive, wealthy and with style ........ that was not a movie !!........
Were they so Zas! I hunt and threw them overboard illusions of some who believed that I was a slit.
started down the path with some very cool tramillos bad but good in general.
After the group photo which caused Mengu almost screaming for a pa Balate low, we started to eat and Zas! Ingnorante I forgot my food thank goodness there are still guys in truth and charity that gave me half his sandwich with cheese and to that mediated life. TIO PEPE

Firewall (some even suggested down here)

stop riding the mega-media artilujio mengu Camera . (evil tongues say that the media industry has not gone through and has no effect ITV)
After this first part of the trail, Pepe, Carpi Pillo and get off the track until the cars.
We proceeded about 7 km more or less full of "false flat" on the rise and with 36 degrees of t th. There was hell to find a shadow.
When we were spotted by the heat exaust from plain false and fake waterfall, which returned to life.
After comenzmos water and fuel to climb a flight to bind down the path of Aguadero.

David did not get off on any piece the mamonaso

After this exciting walking trail drops increases geometrically impossible and a fall that we track another birth where the cars were all unharmed.
I want to make a special mention for those at the barbecue to which much to my regret I could not attend one ate a hamburger on my behalf.
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