Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Metal Core Scoteer Wheels

More Seville if it

majestic figure
and sovereign excellence
gives your fragrance rose
the throne of her beauty.
and beautiful and pure grace,
is so flowery and select
that perfect abode
-Sevilla, the live- Gloria
went from being adoptive
to be the favorite daughter.

For more beautiful sky
a sky garden outside
grace exceeds his
but a rose will subtract.
At his side is wild
lily cohort.
's so egregious demeanor
and his greatness as graceful
you have to call His Highness
Sevilla being his court.

While here take a seat
with beautiful North name
that the people only cares
you say the feeling.
And although with a different accent
a praise her throat,
and his holy name ends
in foreign cadence
is , by its mere presence,
Seville more if possible.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kate Ground Hardcore?


This sentencing

with love and care,

with clear ideas

and lighter feeling.

With the delivery of offering

his life, his love, his commitment

to meet dreaming

the sweet accompaniment

that Lily purple

madness love of sanity ...

prison blessed free ...

insomnia beautiful dream ...

This sentencing

and not dictated by the rule.

's going to dictate the faith,

delirium and silence ...

devotee is going to dictate

and makes the Costalero

without thinking about fatigue

or the long suffering

Suffering? there was never

so eager merit

for which is below

the same Lord of Heaven

that in carrying on their backs

and his big body

the ground for their faith

is full headdress

by the hand of God

and initialed on his neck ...

The dictates in their walk

the hidden Nazarene

that it is enough just

have remembrance of Him

to be accompanied

and accompany its unveiling.

's going to dictate gun

of devotion army

perennial joy guard

escort and desires ...

will dictate Sevilla The

when he contemplates his gesture

quiet, beautiful, patient,

sweet, gentle and serene ...

And I do not feel the tears,

can no longer feel fear,

because the pain had he

never compare to ours ...

and comforting presence ...

and regret it withdraws

and sends through which

and passing is the owner

that where the mandate

not worth any government

and where its Judgement

decrees are removed ...

always as God commands,

seaside and coastal ...

This sentencing

and run at the same time

coming Hope

that is the law of macareno ...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Brazilain Waxing In Jacksonville Fl

Sevilla macarena law keeps Hope (photo:

Amid the gloom
early dawn comes and between mystical flashes

shines in the distance.

before having to be sensed,
smell and hear and sing
which is the pillar of faith believe without seeing
know nothing.

Announces Good News
only the roar of the palms
and that harmonic noise in the air

anticipates that time waiting for the dawn, while
sigh sigh

sensation spread to the corners patients
that arises in the glare.

illusion or completeness Is?
Is it miracle or human is the emerald blue

always eagerly waiting
the people who reveres the people who

entertains with
beautiful flowers that grow in the gorges?

Is amid the stumbles,
bienandanza promise,

giver when contemplating the beauty of her face?

And now comes, and it is coming. Leave
parked off
Seville, now you are lucky enough
face. Leave

silence silent graceful leaves
to the corner that looks out to see profiled

between silvery reeds,
custodians of their excellence.

is the height of the most sacred night.
The beauty
profile crosses the morning.
And it's worth the time
but second last.

then explains that
mirror of the soul and pleads with the Virgin
eyes will not be
and is only the memory of that joy

And while his farewell
now looks the only flash
are the golden stitches.
And again the silence to thunder back
and longing ... But when the

end seems
your canopy up to us, and look

suddenly we're getting back, the last thing

lost in Seville is the Esperanza.