Sunday, December 21, 2008

What Kind Of Women Like Glory Holes


CILISTAS: Cali, Juan Carlos, Boluk

We wended their drive to the small pueblode Apricots, located near the town of Rodalquilar Barranquete and which are part of the natural park Cabo de Gata.

We took a dirt road that starts from the village of apricots that will take us after a miles to the cortijo del Fraile, farm known by the literary work based on a true story written by the poet Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre.

When we reached the farm we go east where there will be another cottage next to a pool of water.

From there we take a series of dirt roads that take us through the mines which have to be careful because there are many mine shafts.

We will track down that leads to Rodalquilar and from there climb up the Polacra, a lighthouse located on the Cerro de los Lobos, at an altitude of 245 meters and paved ramps with a drop of up to 10% arpox.

(view from the Polacra)

( Rodalquilar Valley)

HARDNESS: SLIGHT excepeto rise to



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can You Get Syphilis From Clothes


The circular path of the Jairola, Castillejo 9.5 km range in several of the most enchanting places of the mountains of Abrucena within the natural park of Sierra Nevada.

in the way of Jairola find fertile orchards irrigated by an ancient canal, fed by the river are their only day Abrucena.Hoy ruins.

group photo

This saw has plenty of dirt roads and our trail runs through several of them.
Leaving behind the path of Jairola we find the most emblematic Cotija Abrucena, monks, whose origins date back to 1507.

(such cuerposss)

Our horse trail continues to travel the canyons, passing close the Olivilla farmhouse, which path will lead us to the site vegetation of Castillejo.

This dirt road will lead us back to Abrucena, namely Water Street.
Type of trail: Circular
Terrain: Trail and Rail
Difficulty: Medium
Length: 9 Km
Time: 4 Hours
positive and negative Elevation: 400 m

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sewed In Hair Wextensions Birmingham


CYCLISTS: Boluk, Sonia, Rosa, Monica, Raquel

begin Retamar for a walk around the Almeria coast specifically the area of \u200b\u200bthe park of Cabo de Gata.

And after the ride comfort ................ .... a beer!

is for you!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Repulsion Power Bond Energy


CYCLISTS: Pillo, Israel, Boluk, David, Juan Carlos, Cali, Jose, Jose

Lidl started in the Round Stone, we take N-340 race until Torrecárdenas quarter, we continued on the slope of Torrecárdenas and reached the neighborhood of the round Fuensanta.Llegaremos will leave the second exit towards the town of Huércal by the A-31117.Pasamos long by the people and get the people of Viator, take the third exit and pass by outside the pueblo.Continuaremos few miles until you pass the outside of the town of Rioja Pechina.Seguiremos direction through the village.

cross the town of Rioja, take the first round the first exit and the second, the first by way of 100 meters servicio.A we will turn left and pass under the A-92 Paulenca.Esta address neighborhood will lead to the village of Gador.

Depart Andarax River and continue a few kilometers to the town of Santa Fé de Mondújar.Justo after Santa Fe take the right track will give us entry into the boardwalk Gérgal.

Continuing along the boardwalk Gérgal few miles and when we see a poster ban circular quad bikes and take the right fork.

continue along the promenade and we will find a fork in front of some tunnels tren.Tomaremos fork and after a small rise we will find the old train station Santa source.

(stop for a snack)

will take a path that is directly opposite the station on foot have to do so steep it is.

(the isra sticking a fart)

there began to ascend a narrow verea some belonging to a hunting preserve.

(some steep sections)

Luego comenzaremos un descenso por una buena pista.

Después de la bajada saldremos a una rambla paralela a la de tabernas que nos llevará hasta esta misma.La cual saldremos hasta rioja por el mismo camino de vuelta.

Hardness: 70%

Difficulty: 60%

Duration: 4 hours.