Monday, June 21, 2010

What Is A Lump On The Gum Above A Tooth

Great Power (file photo brotherhood)

What if you forget the fear
a detached soul of sanity,
contempt and misery offended
At that gives all pride simplicity.

Although lost minds sensibly
if the mind believe very safe
that there is no soul sweetness
and Heaven does not apply ...

Your greatness, divine and pleasant,
not repress, punish or abandon
who feel the faith as a chimera.

Great humble all-forgiving ...
and fervor that you consider
good father, good son and a better person.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can You Unlock An Alcatel Crystal Phone

More than a thousand words Silence (photo

"Silence, people in the street ..."
saves all
silence and speak only
Image of the Nazarene.

Do not you hear a sigh
for not breaking the moment. Neither
heard the whispers,
nor moan inside.
That only down the street
talk the talk not the first.
is heard walking
and the thunder of her torment, as
speaks for itself
as the Divine Word.

his eyes already
repeated every holy commandment
eyes of grief
are already a gospel
and absolute wisdom
his countenance an open book.

To say nothing, hush
the futile resentment.
silence the absence of any remorse
put points on the ies
the arrogant but was not,
and makes all humble,
all holy and good.

and will talk
with anyone who comes to see him.
So silent Sevilla
amazed at the wonder
of that image, those hands,
that face so serene,
that says more than words,
much more than an alphabet.

over the cross says has
embracing the whole world.
Thus, silence gives consent
peace, love and comfort.

And repeats worldwide
after seeing the Nazarene
worth a thousand words
this image of Silence.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Potato Side Dishes For Venison

The name of your face

cares to call only beautiful,
the name sweeter and more accurate
mitigate the evil that is the first
and grace to speak overflows.

Her face is broken by evoking
compliment in love and revere.
I look if the name when I,
I call your gorgeous face.

compliment to say it gives me
cadence, soft aroma and elegance
-the same as your face always looks.

and harmony evoking the essence
if you say your name plays
the sweet face of Mary.